Tuesday, April 7, 2009

VX8X Photos

It turned out to be a beautiful day for a drive. The sun was shining, there was very little wind and the temperature was around minus 20C. Here are the pictures from the first day:
Hitting the road ...err... ice. On blue ice about half-way to Ellice. That's Richard's Island in the background. Oh, and don't worry about the ice. At this time of year it's about 12 feet thick.
Magnificent desolation. On the ocean heading north to Ellice Island.

On arrival at the island the first order of business was getting the Ellice Island Light & Power Company operational.

On the snow pad putting the baby yagi together. Not much to see in the background. Ellice is a pretty low lying island.

Mounting the Hy-Gain TH3JRS. The manufacturing quality is abysmal (malformed swaging, missing parts, sub-standard materials) but the performance is outstanding AND you can hold it with one hand!

Up she goes, just a small pause to untangle the 40m inverted vee.
World's lonliest ham shack, Ellice Island, Northwest Territories

I fit all the equipment into three rack shelves. Upper shelf had the tablet PC and the FL-2100B amplifier, the middle shelf held the TS-2000 and wattmeter and the lower shelf had a keyboard and an antenna switch. Off to my left out of view is the spare generator with a small piece of plywood on top holding my coffee maker. That was all, if I wanted to change my mind I had to go outside first. But at least it was warm!


Shot for a future CQ Magazine cover, hi hi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi There ...

I got your web page from Bob, VE3RKZ and I must say, it looks like a lot of fun. Great job at being one of the most northerly shacks. Try and get a write up for RAC. Cheers from warm Hamilton, Ontario. Sherry VE3DCU